Flagler County, FL
Home MenuFiling a Claim
To file a claim, the following information and documents are required:
- Copy of discharge
- Any service medical records in the veteran's possession (or copies)
- Names, dates, places of treatment while in service
- Medical records since date of separation, or names and addresses of doctors and hospitals and dates of that treatment
- The following original documents or certified state-issued copies of:
- Marriage certificate for the veteran to present spouse
- Death certificate or divorce decrees for all prior marriages
- Birth certificates for:
- Minor children
- Children 18-23 attending school full time
- Dependent children who became helpless prior to age 18 and continue to fit helpless criteria
- Date and place of marriage for each prior marriage for veteran and spouse
- Social Security numbers for veteran, spouse, and all dependent children
- Dates of birth for veteran, spouse, and all dependent children
- Names and addresses for:
- Next of kin (nearest relative)
- Two witnesses
- People who know about service connected injury
- People who served with the veteran or who were there when it happened
- Someone in company at the time
- Family members the veteran contacted
For assistance, contact the Veteran Services Office at 386-313-4014. The claim will take approximately 90 minutes to file.